The Hospitallers
The Hospitallers are for those Michaelines (Associate, Novice, Regular) who
feel called to a ministry of healing. As the Hospitallers exist within a
religious Order in a Christian, mystical and esoteric context, our focus is on
spiritual healing, but does not exclude those individuals who work in the
medical profession on a daily basis. The Hospitaller Path is open to members
of the Order who have completed at least one year of membership. A formal
application must be made and admission is at the discretion of the Coordinator.
The Hospitallers welcome as "Friends of the Hospitallers" those who express an
interest in healing, but who are not called actively to explore that interest
at this time.
By spiritual healing, we don't mean healing of the spirit of a person, but a
belief and practice which reflects the reality of the non-physical or spiritual
realm. Spiritual reality is as real as physical reality. It can and does affect
physical reality, just as physical reality can affect spiritual reality. In
spiritual healing, the healer seeks to affect the health and well being of the
healee through the intentional mediation of energies from the spiritual realm.
The Source of these healing energies is the Divine, in whatever guise we know
The Hospitallers recognize three levels. The Level One Aspirant has the
opportunity to explore her/his own call within the background of her/her own
religious tradition, to share experiences, literature, study with other
Aspirants. Shared discussions and writings provide the basis for the Level
One/Aspirant syllabus. (Special arrangements will be made for those
Hospitallers who are Associate members of the Order and may not feel
comfortable exploring Christian healing if such is not their primary religious
The Level Two, or Dedicated Hospitaller, focuses on a religious tradition
different from her/his own and explores healing therein. This level includes a
study of the ethics of healing and the use of energy.
The Level Three Hospitaller is someone who has affirmed their calling to the
healing ministry and thus is known as an Affirmed Hospitaller. The Affirmed
Hospitaller will conduct healing services and endeavor to progress in the
understanding and practice of the spiritual healing process.